You can place and use the following services on our service:
Free advertising
- Register as an agency, club or indepented
- Post your profile or profiles
- Pass profile verification
- Once a month, you can update your profile and thereby update your position in the SERP (when you update, your position will become the highest among free ads)
- Placement of vacancies and search for the right employees
Pay options
- Raise your profile to the TOP for 10€ / 30 days (individual, escort agency, escort striptease club)
- Move your profile to the VIP section and be always on the main page for 25€ / 30 days (individual, escort agency, escort striptease club)
- Raise your agency to the TOP section of agencies for 10€ / 30 days (if you are an agency)
- Place your banner with a text link on the site - from 30€ / 30 days
- After registration, your balance will be displayed in your profile. It can be replenished by clicking on it in the site header or by proceeding to payment from your personal account (Payment tab in the Premium section)
Payment options
Select the desired amount to top up your balance